Mrs. Ortiz's Class!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Tuesday Homework

1. Scootpad math assignment
2.  Get mathwork signed (test practice sheet from class)


Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday Homework

1.  Scootpad ELA
2.  Scootpad Math

**MOST homework will be done on Scootpad from now on!  If you were unable to access the website, do the two math sheets and 20 spelling sentences using last weeks words!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday homework

Math page and spelling practice test (include vocabulary words and definitions)

Science lab!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday Homework

1.  Math page 129 & 130
2.  Bring fine tip markers for art on Thursday!!!


Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday Homework

1.  Vocabulary Squares- break the paper into 8 squares and use only 7 of the squares
                                     -write the word and definition at the bottom of each square, and draw a picture illustrating the definition above it

2.  Math "Blazing Star" & "Waste Not" (from class)

**More Native American presentations tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday Homework

1.  Canoe worksheet in mailbox
2.  Math p. 117 & 118
3.  Continue to work on Native American Flip book!!
4.  Don't forget tomorrow is Back to School Night!!!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday Homework

So sorry for the late posting! Computer problems!

1.  Vocabulary squares
2.  Math pages EVEN ONLY!

** Work on the tribe flip book !!! Due 9/21

Dates for Oral Presentations!

Grading Rubric for Nativr American Oral Presentation!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Wednesday homework

1.  Write each definition 2 times each
2.  Math book page 91& 92
3.  Bring in your cell lab sheet =5 tickets


Vocabulary words!

Contour Shoe art!

Contour Shoe art!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tuesday Homework

1.  Think Like an Archaeologist social studies worksheet
2.  Math book page 85 &86
Extra Credit Math page 84 = 2 points or 2 tickets!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wednesday Homework

1.  Sharpie or use a marker or pen to finish the cell lab!
2.  3A Math test (it's practice for your TEST TOMORROW)
3.  Highlights form (yellow)- You only need a signature! =5 tickets
** Don't forget to study your spelling and vocabulary!!!!

Cell Cookies!

Cell Cookies!

Cell Cookies!

Cell Cookies!

Cell Cookies!

Cell Cookies!

Cell Cookies!